

中国iPhone销量下滑 苹果13年增长神话终结‘十大靠谱外围买球网站’

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中国iPhone销量下滑 苹果13年增长神话终结‘十大靠谱外围买球网站’

2024-09-21 03:52:26  点击量:958

本文摘要:SAN FRANCISCO — Apple’s 13 years of continuous quarterly growth have finally ended. 旧金山——苹果公司持续13年的每季度快速增长再一跑到了走过。

SAN FRANCISCO — Apple’s 13 years of continuous quarterly growth have finally ended. 旧金山——苹果公司持续13年的每季度快速增长再一跑到了走过。The technology giant said on Tuesday that revenue for its second fiscal quarter, which ended in March, fell 13 percent to $50.6 billion as sales of its flagship product, the iPhone, fell, with little else to take its place. Net income fell 22 percent to $10.5 billion, or $1.90 a share. 周二,这家科技巨头回应,累计今年3月份的第二财季,随着其旗舰产品iPhone销量下降,又没什么其他产品顶上,公司营收暴跌13%,至506亿美元。净利润下跌22%,至105亿美元,合每股1.90美元。

The results fell short of Wall Street expectations and Apple’s shares were down more than 7 percent in early after-hours trading. 由于季度业绩不及华尔街预期,苹果股价在盘后交易早期暴跌逾7%。Apple may be reaching the saturation point among potential customers in some countries, and other smartphone makers using Google’s Android operating system continue to challenge the company with powerful, lower-price devices. China, Apple’s second-largest market after the United States, is experiencing an economic slowdown and recently shut down Apple’s e-book and digital movie services in the country. 在一些国家的潜在用户中,苹果有可能抵达了饱和点。同时,使用谷歌Android操作系统的其他智能手机生产商,持续用性能强劲、价格更加较低的设备对它发动挑战。

中国是次于美国的苹果第二大市场,但它正在经历经济快速增长上升,最近还关闭了那里的苹果电子书和数字电影服务。Sales fell faster in China than in any other region, down 26 percent compared to the previous year. And sales in the Americas were down 10 percent. Over all, Apple sold 16 percent fewer iPhones in the quarter compared to the same quarter last year. 在中国的销售同比上升26%,幅度小于其他任何地区。在美洲的销售下降了10%。总体而言,苹果本季度比去年同期较少卖出16%的iPhone。

Apple has high hopes for some of its consumer-oriented services, such as Apple Music and iCloud, as well as for its nascent Watch accessory, but those have yet to turn into giant businesses. The iPad tablet, once a powerful revenue generator for the company, has had disappointing sales in recent years, despite new, larger professional versions. 对于Apple Music和iCloud等面向消费者的服务,以及新的发售的Watch配件,苹果抱有了首肯,但这些业务仍未确实发展壮大。IPad平板曾多次是一个强大的收益来源,但尽管发售了新的、大屏的专业型号,近几年来它的销量仍令人沮丧。

Nevertheless, Apple still generates tens of billions of dollars of cash every year. And the company said Tuesday that it would pass along more of that money to its shareholders. Apple said it would raise its quarterly dividend 10 percent to 57 cents a share and increase the amount of stock it buys back to $175 billion. 虽说如此,苹果每年的进账依然以百亿美元计。公司周二回应,它将更好地把这些钱派发给股东。

苹果宣告把季度股息从每股10美分提升到57美分,并把股票买入金额减少到1750亿美元。Apple’s service business was one bright spot in the quarter, with revenue up 20 percent. The company ended the quarter with $233 billion in cash and marketable securities. 苹果的服务部门是本季度的众多亮点,部门营收快速增长20%。

苹果在季度末享有2330亿美元的现金和有价证券。“When we look at the dynamics of the iPhone business, we feel very good,” Luca Maestri, Apple’s chief financial officer, said in a phone interview. Although unit sales were down 16 percent, “we continue to draw millions of people that are buying their first smartphone to iPhone.” “从iPhone的业务发展细节来看,我们感觉上佳,”苹果公司的首席财务官卢卡·马埃斯特里(Luca Maestri)在拒绝接受电话专访时说。

尽管销售上升了16%,“依然有无数人在出售第一部智能手机时自由选择了iPhone。” Mr. Maestri acknowledged weakness in greater China, but he said the strong dollar played a big role there. In Hong Kong, whose currency is pegged to the dollar, sales fell sharply, but in mainland China, revenue was down only 11 percent. 马埃斯特里否认苹果在大中华区展现出低迷,但他回应,美元走强在其中充分发挥了相当大起到。港元与美元挂勾,苹果在香港的销售经常出现了大幅度下跌,而在中国大陆,营收仅有下降了11%。Analysts had expected Apple to report revenue of $52 billion and net income of $11 billion, or $2 a share, according to consensus estimates compiled by SP Global Market Intelligence. 标准普尔全球市场情报(SP Global Market Intelligence)的资料表明,分析师曾完全一致预期苹果的季度营收为520亿美元,净收入110亿美元,合每股2美元。

In last year’s second fiscal quarter, Apple reported net income of $13.6 billion, or $2.33 a share, on revenue of $58 billion. 在去年第二财季,苹果公司袭港营收580亿美元,净收入136亿美元,合每股2.33美元。Denny Fish, a portfolio manager at the Janus Global Technology Fund, said Tuesday that the fund sold some of its position in Apple during the first quarter, citing the company’s growth challenges and worries about its position in China. 骏利环球科技基金(Janus Global Technology Fund)的投资人组经理丹尼·菲什(Denny Fish)周二回应,该基金在第一季度出售了一些苹果仓位,原因是它的快速增长面对着挑战,它在中国的状况也令人担忧。Its newest smartphone, the four-inch iPhone SE, went on sale in late March, too late to affect the most recent quarterly results, but analysts hope to get more insight into how it is selling. Apple, which is based in Cupertino, Calif., is also expected to introduce other iPhones this year, which could give sales a fresh jolt. 苹果最新款的智能手机是4英寸的iPhone SE。

它在3月下旬上市销售,还马上对最近的季度业绩产生影响,但分析师们期望能更加了解地理解它的销售状况。苹果公司总部设于加州库比蒂诺,预计年内将发售其他iPhone型号,可能会给销售加添新的动力。The company was expected to provide more details of the impact on sales of its well-publicized battle with the federal government over unlocking encrypted iPhones. Apple argued that it was fighting for customer privacy and security, while the Justice Department contended that the company’s refusal to help was a “brand marketing strategy.” 在之前再次发生的加密iPhone关卡事件中,苹果与美国联邦政府之间展开了广为人知的对付。




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